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Ginsberg Law Offices

Disability Approval Rates Trending Up

Social Security recently released its annual “waterfall chart” showing approval and denial rates for disability claims at various stages in the disability application process.

2020 Waterfall chart

As you can see, SSA approved 39% of applications filed without requiring any appeals at all.  This means that 39% of disability applications applied and were approved within 3 to 4 months.

For those ending up at hearings, SSA judges approved 49% of all claims.  This is up significantly from the 43% and 44% we saw just a few years ago.  The trend is certainly favorable over the past few years – hopefully, for the sake of deserving claimants, this continues.

You may find the idea of labeling yourself as  “disabled” troubling and this is understandable.  But if you cannot work anymore because of a chronic and severe medical problem, you very well may meet SSA’s definition of disability.  If our office can be of help to you in navigating these confusing waters please let us know.
